
Filling Applications

Hyaluronic acid filler applications are among the most widely used methods in the field of Medical Aesthetics. Deep wrinkles and collapsed or sagging cheeks disappear and the natural facial contours reappear with the aesthetic filling application that has been utilized for years, with intent to eliminate the fine lines on the face and add volume to the face. Consistent results are achieved in lip filling, full mouth treatment, contour improvement, under eye filling, skin rejuvenation, face lift, and the elimination of wrinkles in the eye contour area.

What is filling procedure?

It is a cosmetic procedure performed with intent to correct deep lines that appear due to gravity, sun damage, and aging; reduce wrinkles; and reshape the face. It involves the injection of temporary hyaluronic acid-based substances or collagen substances. It is an extremely easy-to-use procedure that can be performed in a short time with a local anesthetic creams. It is used to eliminate wrinkles and enable the skin to look younger.

So, What are the Fillers Used in This Process?

Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used filler. This material poses a very low risk, and can instantly be melted by means of a substance called 'hyaluronidase'. It is a type of easy-to-use filler that protects both the patient and doctor in terms of being revocable.

Where is a filler used?

Nasolabial Lines (lines extending from the nose to the edges of the lips) down from the edge of the lip lines

Tiny lines above the upper lip (perioral lines)

Deep acne scars and wound scars -

Lip enhancement

Cheekbone and cheek (malar augmentation)

Lip filler: In the course time, the lips begin to get thinner and lose their shape and fullness. Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used for enabling the lips to regain their fullness.

Grooves around the nose and mouth: Lines or grooves extending from the bottom of the nose to the area around the lips emerge as a result of the deflection of adipose tissues, and can be filled with hyaluronic acid or fat.

Cheeks, temples and jaw: As the amount of adipose tissue decreases, sagging and thinning start in these regions. Structuring the collagens with dense hyaluronic acid fillers gives excellent results in these areas.

Under eye bags and under eye hollowing: Under eye bags starts from level of the bottom of the nasal bridge and the lower eyelid, and expands towards the cheeks. They can be treated with hyaluronic acid.

A better-balanced chin: With increasing age, the chin gets smaller and withdrawn. You can regain the lost appearance by applying hyaluronic acid fillers to the chin line, for solutions with short-term durability. Fillers are injected from the front and back of the jawbone, with intent to soften the chin line and obtain a better proportional chin. With bulking fillers, which are effective for a period of up to 18 months, it is possible to accentuate the facial oval, and enable the person to have a reverse triangle that adds an attractive appearance to the face.

Lifts the eyebrows: In the eyebrow region, the upper eyelids or droopy eyebrow can be lifted with hyaluronic acid fillers. When filler is injected into your eyebrow region, your eyebrows go up and you gain a more youthful appearance.

How long does the filling procedure take?

The procedure may take 15 to 30 minutes. You can return to your normal life immediately after the procedure. No pain occurs in the application site but a mild swelling and redness may occur. They will disappear within a day or two.

Is it a possibility to encounter any side effect due to its application?

Despite being very rare, you may develop an allergy to the filler. Temporary damage, swelling, and redness are likely to occur. Side effects can be controlled in filling procedures carried out by an experienced physician specialized in the field.

Effect of Results

The effect of temporary fillers lasts for a period from 6 to 24 months. This period varies depending on the content of the selected filler and its density.

Can Filler be Used In Conjunction With Botox?

Yes, its use in conjunction with Botox gives highly favorable results, especially in patients who have deep frown lines and lines in their cheeks.

What Is the Price of a Filling Procedure?

The filling procedures are priced a range affordable to every budget. The amount can be adjusted according to the wideness of the application site.